Girton’s 2022 VCE Class enjoys 100% success in acquiring tertiary offers

17 January 2022


is proud to announce that the Year 12 VCE cohort of 2022 has enjoyed a 100% success rate in acquiring a tertiary offer, with 99% of students receiving a first-round offer for tertiary study in 2023.

Choosing from a wide variety of courses, students’ top preferences included Science, Medicine, Biomedicine, Engineering, and Arts. Health/Sciences were also popular, with students electing to study Dental Science, Nursing, Paramedic Practice, Veterinary Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy and Psychology.

A number of students have also chosen to pursue Business and Law. Other course selections include Fine Art, Music, Film and Television, Agriculture, Fashion Design, Marketing, Exercise and Sports Science and Public Relations.

The most popular destination for students was the University of Melbourne followed by Monash University, La Trobe University, Deakin University, Swinburne University, and RMIT.

School Dux for 2022, Dhruv Gupta, who achieved an ATAR of 99.8, was accepted into a Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne. Girton’s 2022 Dux Proximus, Uros Babovic was accepted into Biomedicine/Engineering at the University of Melbourne with an ATAR of 99.35. 30% of Girton’s Year 12 2022 VCE students ranked in the top 10% of the state.

Principal Dr Emma O’Rielly said, “I am delighted to see the hard work of our Year 12 VCE students rewarded with the tertiary offer they were hoping for. I commend them for living our school motto, Per Aspera Ad Astra, “Through hardship to the stars”, throughout three years that have come with significant challenges.”

“Our students have demonstrated motivation, focus, courage, and determination despite the trials presented by the pandemic. These are advanced life skills that play a fundamental role in achieving success in any profession, and ultimately a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in life.”

Girton's top performing Year 12 2022 VCE students celebrate their ATARs
Girton’s top-performing Year 12 2022 VCE students celebrate their ATAR scores in December 2022.